Monday, October 13, 2014

Kellen Is One Month Old!

On Saturday, Kellen was one month old!  It doesn't seem at all possible that he entered the world an entire month ago... Time goes by SO incredibly fast!

We are loving every minute with Kellen.  At one month old, he is a fairly easy going little guy.  We don't go back to the pediatrician until he is two months old, so I have no idea how much he weighs or how much taller he is.  However, he feels heavier and he is noticeably bigger.

He is on a fairly consistent schedule of nursing every three hours or so during the day.  Overnight, he usually gives us one long stretch of sleep (around five hours) and then another shorter stretch (about two or three hours).  He is really good about nursing and going right back to sleep, so I actually feel pretty rested most days.  He is starting to be awake more during the day, but usually for no more than an hour at a time before he naps again.

He definitely recognizes our voices and has started to turn toward sounds.  He likes to nap in his swing and likes to play in the ocean activity mat.  He does not like being in his car seat and still screams through bath time.  

1 comment:

Bev Johnston said...

So I'm a little, and by a little I mean A LOT, jealous that Kellen is already on a schedule. I can't predict anything with Knox. 3 hours during the day would be real nice but we don't always make it that long.

Good work Kellen!!!