Thursday, July 21, 2011

We Are Smiling!

On Tuesday Braden started smiling! He had smiled before, but until now they had been involuntary facial expressions. Now, you can talk to him and he will smile. It's so fun that he is more interactive now!

We are making progress with tummy time and playing on the floor. Of course, Rocco ALWAYS has to supervise. He is SO interested in what Braden is doing. Braden is also interested in Rocco and likes to stare at him.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Play Time!

This week Braden turned one month old! We decided to get the activity mat out to see how he liked it. He was very interested for about five minutes and then decided he had enough. But, we put him on it several times a day and he loves it in short amounts of time!
I think he was trying to laugh. Of course, Rocco was supervising!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Braden Update

Braden is almost one month old! I can't believe it. The past month has flown by. We went to the pediatrician last week and he was 7 pounds 14 ounces, so he has gained 1 pound and 2 ounces since birth.

The first few weeks around here were really rough... if he wasn't eating or sleeping he was screaming and there wasn't anything that we could do about it. He seemed really uncomfortable while he was nursing, so we went to the pediatrician to talk about it. He thought that two things were going on: (1) he could have some acid reflux going on and (2) he could have a milk protein allergy. I had suspected the protein allergy and had cut all dairy out of my diet already, which had not helped anything. So, we tried a hypoallergenic formula and that seemed to do the trick. We have a much happier baby now and he does not appear to be in pain when eating. So I guess we will be bottle feeding from now on which is a little sad, but definitely OK if it helps Braden feel better.

It was rough for awhile because I could not get out of the house since he just screamed. All the time. But now I have been able to run some errands and get out so I feel a bit more human :) We might even try to venture out to church this Sunday!

Here are some things that he is doing now:

1. Not really napping during the day, but that's nothing new.
2. Sleeping very well at night. We usually get a 3.5 to 4 hours stretch at first, then he wakes up to eat, and then sleeps another 2.5 to 3 hours.
3. He usually eats about 3 ounces every 2 to 3 hours.
4. Is starting to focus on objects that catch his attention, and he will just stare at them and "zone out".
5. Still HATES to be put down. He wants to be held constantly, so thankfully he likes the Moby wrap!

And of course, here are some new photos!

He really likes the Moby wrap!

I love these little tie onesies that my cousin's wife made! Maybe he will wear it to church if we are ever able to make it there...

Friday, July 8, 2011