Monday, September 29, 2014

2 Weeks Old

I am a little late in writing this post, but Kellen was two weeks old last Thursday.  He saw his pediatrician that day and weighed 8 pounds and was 21 inches long.  He is up 3 ounces from his birth weight and 11 ounces from his hospital discharge weight.  He is also an inch taller than he was at birth!  He's growing like a weed.

He continues to be a pretty happy and easy going little guy.  He went through a growth spurt a few days ago where he was fussy and wanted to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours, but he seems to have gotten through that.  He is back to eating every 3 hours or so.  At night he has gone as long as 4.5 hours between feedings, so that's nice.  He generally goes back to sleep really quickly at night, so I actually feel rather rested most days.  He has been really gassy lately and has been spitting up A LOT, so he refuses to sleep laying down.  And of course, we give in for the sake of sleep, so he has been sleeping in his rock and play sleeper (a life saver for many reasons and a MUST have for all parents if you ask me...).  The only downfall about this is that we can't use our AngelCare monitor in the rock and play, so I'm paranoid that he's not breathing and obsessively check on him throughout the night.  I have cut dairy out of my diet to see if that is contributing to Kellen's gas and spit up.  Both Braden and Logan had milk protein allergies until they were a year old, so I wouldn't be surprised if Kellen has an allergy as well.  If so, it's an easy fix, though it really limits what I can eat!  And, it means that he will be a breastfed baby for quite sometime, because the formula for babies with milk allergies is insanely expensive.  We went that route with Braden but if we can save $220 each month by not using that formula, we will!  In the past few days he has been awake more during the day and much more interactive.  He enjoys playing in his activity center (a.k.a. the ocean).  He likes to stare at the "other baby" in the mirror and make noises at him.  He also likes the swing and the bouncy seat.  He enjoys going for walks.  He does not really enjoy his car seat or bath time.  So far, he has been to church twice, to the library, to Target, Arbuckle Park, and to the indoor Park at Traders Point Christian Church.  He has had lots of visitors and enjoys company!

Braden and Logan continue to adjust well and they want Kellen to do everything that they do.  They have a difficult time understanding why Kellen can't ride a bike, crawl, or eat ice cream.  

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