Friday, August 31, 2012

One Month Old!

Our Logan is one month old!  That sure seems like it was a really fast month!  Though when you are sleep deprived, the days all seem to blend together anyhow.  I still think it's July - though I realize we are almost in September.


  • Logan is a pretty good sleeper!  This is a nice change since Braden didn't like to sleep much at all.  He naps pretty well during the day.  At night, he goes to bed between 10pm and 11pm.  He gets up every 3 hours to nurse and is good about going right back to sleep.  Granted, it take 30-45 minutes to nurse him, but at least he goes back to sleep quickly.
  • During the day, he loves to eat. A lot.  He eats anywhere from every hour to every 3 hours - with a preference for every hour.
  • He does not like to lay flat to sleep.  We have tried elevating one side of the mattress and even that doesn't work.  So, for now, he sleeps in his swing seat.  The pediatrician wasn't concerned with that, so we aren't either.  Eventually we will need him to lay flat to sleep, but that's a battle we will have later.
  • In the past few days he has started being awake for longer periods of time during the day.  The longest he has gone was 3 hours - from 7-10pm.  
  • He is generally fussy in the evenings but is a pretty happy baby otherwise.
  • I actually don't think he has a problem with milk or milk products.  I think it's soy that he has an issue with.  I have been able to eat dairy in moderation, and he seems fine other than being a bit gassy.
  • He hold his head up pretty well now.
  • He hates tummy time.
  • He loves bath time.

He has been to an Indians baseball game, a big picnic, and goes on many errands with Mommy.  He's a pretty good sport about it all, though he really doesn't like his car seat.

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