Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Logan is Nine Months Old!

Yep, nine months old!  


  • Weight: 17 pounds 2 ounces.  This puts him in the 5th to 10th percentile - totally normal for him!
  • Height: 27 1/8 inches
  • Head circumference: 44.5cm

Eating/Sleeping Habits 

This is not our favorite thing to talk about.... we are still struggling, but I hope we are getting there!
  • He has actually transitioned to two naps a day, so that's great!  He naps around 9:30 or 10am and then again around 2 or 2:30pm.  The length of the nap varies from day to day - sometimes 30 minutes and other times it's two hours!
  • He is usually in bed by 8:30pm and then is up for the day around 7am.  However.... he usually wakes up about 1:30am and needs his paci to go back to sleep.  Then he wakes up at 4am to have a bottle.  So yes, we are still up twice a night with him.  Ugh.  
  • Mommy is having a very hard time letting him cry and get back to sleep on his own.  We let him cry for like an hour last night, and I just couldn't do it any longer.  He is the happiest kid and rarely cries, so it is the most awful thing in the world to listen to him scream.
  • He is nursing or having a bottle 4 times a day, and has a total intake of around 18-24oz.
  • He is still on breast milk only.  We tried to transition him on to the hypoallergenic formula, but he adamantly refuses to drink it when there is more formula than breast milk in the bottle.  So, it's not worth the hassle and he is back to strictly breast milk.  Mommy will have to deal with pumping at work for awhile longer (hey, it's been 9 months, so what's a few more?) and our wallets will be much fuller since we won't be paying the crazy cost of the hypoallergenic formula. 
  • He eats 3 times a day and is generally a good eater.
  • He is starting to snack now on things like puffs and Mum Mums.  He is slowly getting the concept of finger feeding, though table food is not his favorite thing yet.
  • He is starting to use a sippy cup now.

Developmental Updates

  • He is now crawling really fast!
  • He pulls himself up on things and is now walking along them (like the couch) to get to what he wants
  • He has been more daring in the past few days and will let go of what he was holding onto.  He doesn't stand for very long before falling over, but he's trying really hard!
  • He laughs all the time - mostly at his brother who he thinks is the funniest little kid ever
  • He gets really excited when he sees Mommy or Daddy and crawls over to them really fast!
  • He is starting to get upset when he can't see us.  I left the room for 5 seconds yesterday and he started crying and crawling after me.
  • STILL no teeth!  He has been chewing/gnawing on things for like 5 months now and I keep waiting to see teeth pop through, but still nothing.  He has been drooling way more than ever the past few days, so I think we are getting close.
  • He is a talker!  He can say da, ba, and ma.  He really gets going sometimes!
  • He understands 'no' but doesn't obey that yet.  But, when you tell him no, he will stop and look at you, smile, and then go right back to doing what he is not supposed to be doing!
  • He likes to play peek-a-boo, swing, play with balls, play with everything his brother has which causes quite the issue, and loves going for walks.

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