Monday, February 13, 2012

Braden is 8 Months Old!

Our baby is 8 months old today!

As I mentioned before, in the past month he began crawling, sitting up on his own, and pulling himself up.

Here are some things he is doing now:
  • He is now pulling himself up on anything and everything and is beginning to take steps while holding on to things.
  • He is saying more sounds now. He says 'ba' and 'ga'.
  • He is starting to be REALLY interested in what we are eating. If we are eating, he wants to eat too. We haven't started giving him solids yet, though I have given him a few tastes of things, like a mushed up piece of the banana I was eating :)
  • He LOVES puffs! He hasn't really figured out how to feed himself yet, but he loves them if you put them in his mouth.
  • If Mommy leaves the room he has a problem with it. He will crawl around and follow me, no matter what I'm doing.
  • Not napping very well anymore. We are lucky to get a total of 2 hours a day...
  • He made his bed time 6:30 - probably because he's not napping. Although, he still gets up once to eat and then is up for the day between 6:30 and 8:00.
He also had his first major sickness :( I will spare the nasty details, but it involved diarrhea and projectile vomiting... Poor kiddo was miserable. We went to the doctor and they did some lab work, which involved collecting stool samples (tons of fun). Thankfully, everything has come back OK so far. We are slowly getting back to normal in regards to sleeping and eating - everything was WAY off the norm, and it's been a struggle getting back to the pre-sickness routine.

Playing his drum

Hi Mom!
Watching Mickey and trying to get as close to him as possible.
Watching Mickey with Daddy
Playing with his friend Emerson!
Playing with the balloon, which he loves.

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