Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Logan is 4 Months Old!


  • Weight: 13 pounds 9 ounces (25th percentile)
  • Height: 24.75 inches (50th percentile)
  • Head: 42.5cm
  • For those of you that are curious, Logan is exactly 1 pound heavier than B was at 4 months old.  He is almost 1 inch shorter than B was :)


  • Logan is very happy!  He is constantly smiling, laughing, and shrieking.
  • He is able to grasp on to toys with both hands and pull them to his mouth.
  • Everything goes in the mouth - hands, toys, blankets, bibs... anything that he can grab.
  • He rolls from stomach to back.  He can't quite go from back to stomach yet, but I'm sure it will happen soon.
  • He is able to put himself to sleep now.  We lay him down when he is awake and he goes to sleep on his own.  We sometimes have to go put his paci back in his mouth, but other than that he doesn't need assistance.
  • He still takes about four or five 30-45 minute naps a day.
  • He sleeps from about 7:30pm until about 7am, getting up once to eat.
  • He is still nursing, now exclusively.
  • He also has a milk protein allergy, which is why he is not getting formula anymore.  It took awhile to figure it out because he was getting such a small amount of formula everyday.  Now that we figured it out and took away the formula, he seems to be better.  This also means I'll be nursing longer than I originally planned to because we don't want to pay for the million dollar Nutramigen formula that is made for babies with milk protein allergies.
  • His allergy is not as severe as Braden's was - thankfully.

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