Oh my, how the time flies. 18 months old. Before I know it, he will be two, which doesn't seem at all possible! He is a VERY busy boy, so getting him to hold still long enough for me to take his picture has not been very successful recently, so I have hardly any of him by himself this month!
His pediatrician's office was so booked in December, that Braden doesn't go in for his 18 month appointment until January 2. So, I don't have updated height and weight. I feel like he has gained about 10 pounds though :)
- Braden has made HUGE progress developmentally this month. HUGE.
- He is able to twist lids off now. He thinks it is so much fun, but he also wants lids off all the time. So, we typically have a battle over why the sippy cup lids need to stay on.
- He can put straws into cups.
- His vocabulary is growing so fast! He FINALLY learned how to say 'yes', which has helped so much in figuring out what he wants. You can ask him if he wants to do something and he will say yes or no.
- He likes to say 'help me' and will ask you for help when he needs it.
- He is learning more animals and what noises they make.
- He is starting to identify colors.
- He is also starting to identify letters. I wrote the letter 'B' on a piece of paper the other day, and without me saying a word, Braden looked at it and said 'beeeeeee!'
- He knows when he pottys and poops now and is starting to identify that he needs a new diaper. Some days it really bothers him that his diaper is dirty and other days he could care less. We are a long way from potty training still, but this is one of the first signs that he recognizes what is happening. Sometimes he will also say 'poop' BEFORE he goes. This is very helpful when he is in the bath :)
- He is having a rough time deciding if he needs one or two naps a day. Nap time is rough around here.
- Luckily he still sleeps pretty well at night. However, on the days when he takes two naps, he gets up super early the next morning.
- He and Rocco are best friends. He calls for Rocco whenever he can't see him and always wants to feed him. Rocco gets very concerned when Braden isn't home.
- He is doing more pretend play these days which is so fun to watch.
- He loves Logan still and likes to share his toys with him - for about a minute :)
- He is very attached to his blankie, which Mommy thinks is super cute.
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