We are on the countdown to his third birthday. THIRD! I can't believe it. Only 3 months away. He is getting so big! If I could use only adjectives to describe him, here is what I would say: smart, sweet, busy, funny, determined, fearless.
Some of his recent accomplishments/interests include:
- Sleeping in a big boy bed! We transitioned him to a twin bed about a month ago and he loves it!
- FULLY potty trained! We started the weekend after Thanksgiving and it did not take him too long to get the concept without many accidents. For the past 3 weeks or so, he has been waking up dry in the morning too!
- He is so much more independent these days. He plays by himself, or with Logan, about 50% of the time, but he still asks us to do things with him.
- He wants to do everything on his own, including dressing himself, going potty, feeding Rocco, etc. This often ends up with underwear that is on backwards, shoes on the wrong feet, and dog food all over the floor, but that's OK.
- He engages in imaginative play these days. It's pretty awesome to watch him with toy dinosaurs just making up scenarios.
- He is really good about stalling bed time. We always go in his room, read a Bible story, recite "Little Prayers", and then he prays for whatever he wants to, then it's time for sleep. There is always some reason why he can't go to sleep. Some of my favorites are:
- My belly hurts because I have to poop. Naturally, that gets us back in his room, but he rarely actually has to poop.
- My belly hurts because it's "itchy itchy" and needs lotion.
- I need a drink.
- I need shoes on
- My head is growing.
- His prayers are also entertaining and you never really know what you are going to end up with. He always starts with the same things: "Thank you God for... my mommy, daddy, Bubby, Rocco, Oscar, Henry." From there it gets interesting depending on how tired he is... he has prayed for Mommy's teeth, giraffe's, and my personal favorite was "Thank You God for my poopie. Oh wait, not poopie. Thank you God for Poppi."
- He LOVES to dance. Any time he hears any type of music he just starts dancing along. Also, we can make him do a dance for just about anything he wants.
- He is really into putting together puzzles and building things with blocks.
- He is attending preschool at daycare 3 mornings a week and loves it! He is always so excited to go to school! He can recite the Pledge of Allegiance all by himself now.
- He enjoys singing and can sing many songs from memory.
- He likes to run. Sometimes he will just say "I'm gonna run now" and run back in forth across the living room, or in circles until he falls down.
Here are some recent pics of Braden:
Logan will be 20 months old at the end of this month. He is developing quite a personality and wants to do everything that his big brother does - good and bad!
Some of Logan's accomplishments/interests include:
- Feeding himself with a fork and spoon.
- Running and starting to attempt jumping.
- More independent play but for short amounts of time.
- He still loves to be held by Mommy and Daddy
- He is VERY stubborn and can throw quite the temper tantrum when things don't go his way
- He has shown interest in using the potty since he sees Braden do it. We sit him on the potty when he asks, but don't force anything at this point.
- He is singing songs too. His favorites are: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus, Row Row Your Boat, Pat-a-Cake, and Old MacDonald. Old MacDonald ALWAYS has a cow. Never any other animal... don't suggest there are other animals. You have been warned.
- If he doesn't want you to sing anymore, he holds out his hand and says "Stop".
- We have started putting him in time out...
- He loves animals, choo choo's, and coloring. Though he still attempts to eat the Crayons so we have to take them away, which results in a huge tantrum :)
Here are some of Logan's recent photos! He's turing into such a little man all of a sudden...
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