Yes, it's true! Hall Baby #3 is estimated to arrive mid-September. The due date is either September 21st or 22nd - I've heard one from the ultrasound tech and one from my doctor. Either way, we will schedule another c-section sometime in the week before the due date.
The boys are excited as they can be. Logan is clueless about the whole thing. Braden understand there is a baby in Mommy's belly. He will say he wants a baby brother but then says it's OK if it's a baby sister. My guess is he would love a sister since girls come with pink and purple, and princesses. When given a choice, Braden will pick anything pink or purple over any other color. He also enjoys all things princess :)
We are obviously fine with whatever gender this baby is. It would be nice to have a girl, but I'm fairly convinced that God is only going to give us boys. If He is going to give us another boy, maybe he will bless us with one that is a bit more mellow :)
I have seen the doctor more times that I can count already, and have already had 3 ultrasounds, due to some minor bleeding early on, but that all seems to be resolved now thankfully. So, I'll resume my schedule of appointments every 4 weeks for now. Our big ultrasound will likely be the end of April, so we will be looking forward to that. Even if it says girl, we likely won't believe it :)
I have been sick, sick, sick. Blah. Luckily, my nausea goes away by lunchtime, but I'm sick every. single. morning. Gross. I was like this with Logan too. Every morning for 17 weeks. Hopefully it goes away soon.
And, I'm already in maternity clothes. At 12 weeks. Evidently, by the third pregnancy, everything happens a lot faster. At this rate, I'll be massive come September. Something for everyone to look forward too. All I can pray for is a mild summer. If it's 100+ degrees with 100% humidity in August, I might die.
Trying to get the above picture taken with the boys was quite the challenge. Braden is pretty cooperative with this stuff, but Logan always has his own agenda. We took about 50 pictures just to get one that worked. Here are some outtakes, which I think are pretty funny.