My baby is two years old! Can you believe me? Neither can I.
He is developing into a smart, funny, and active little man. He makes us laugh constantly and frustrates us beyond belief as well :) He is very strong willed and determined, which makes listening and obeying "optional".
He weighs 26 pounds and is 34 inches tall. He is talking in 4+ word sentences the majority of the time and has even figured out the different between past, present, and future tense. His vocabulary is very large and he loves to ask questions. He can count to 10 pretty much unassisted and can sing parts of the ABC song. He loves to sing! His current favorites are: Old MacDonald (or 'Old Donalds Farm's as he calls it'), Bah Bah Black Sheep, Row Row Your Boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Ring Around the Rosie. He still enjoys reading, coloring, playing outside, trains, cars, etc.
His birthday was June 14. Both Kevin and I took the day off work so we could spend it having fun with him. He opened present from us and we had cupcakes.
We had his birthday party the following Saturday at a local park. It did rain, but we rented a covered shelter with picnic tables, so we stayed mostly dry. We went with a Mickey Mouse theme because the kid loves Mickey! We had so much fun with family and friends. Braden has been singing "Happy to you Braden" for weeks now! Here are some photos from the party!
Aren't these the cutest? I ordered them from an Etsy shop, PartyConfettiDesigns Then I just printed them at home! Its a really nice inexpensive way to have custom invitations made. |
How cute are these Mickey Cookies? Thanks for the idea Pinterest! They are double stuff Oreo's as the body, half of mini Oreo's for the ears, dipped in white chocolate bark that I dyed red with food coloring. |
I also made pretel rods dipped in white chocolate bark. I found pretzel baggies at Michaels which were clear and came with twist ties. |
I also made white chocolate covered popcorn with red and yellow M&M's. |
The popcorn and the pretzels in baggies. They turned out awesome! |
The personalized cupcake toppers! I love how they turned out! Again, I found them on Etsy at Sharen Moments |
I also had red, black and yellow Mikey silhouette cupcake toppers. You guessed it - I found them on Etsy at Kellie's Paper Place |
Logan wasn't too sure what was going on, but he had fun! |
Logan and cousin Jackson enjoyed playing with some toys during the party |
I never was able to get a really great photo of Braden in his birthday shirt - this was the best I could do! |
Yay for cupcakes! |
He loved opening presents |
Such anticipation about what is going to be in the bag! |
When we got back home, my parents had a gift waiting for him - a tricycle! He loves it!
Faster Poppi, faster! |
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