Is it really possible that my little baby is almost two years old??? He is getting SO big and has turned into a little kid overnight.

- He is a good sleeping again - finally!
- He goes to by between 7:30 and 8pm and gets up around 7:30am. He went through a phase where he needed some milk in the middle of the night, but thankfully he is not doing that anymore. At least one of our kiddos is sleeping well at night :)
- He takes one nap a day
- He is on a very good and consistent schedule:
- Wakes up at 7:30am, has breakfast.
- We usually play, go for a walk, color, etc.
- Lunch at 11:30am
- Nap from 12:30 until 3:30ish (sometimes a bit shorter)
- More play time!
- Dinner around 6:15pm
- Bath and in bed between 7:30pm and 8pm
- He is talking so much and is super smart. He puts 3-4 word sentences together and is very good about communicating what he wants - or doesn't want :)
- He is good about counting to 10, and is starting to learn his ABCs
- He can identify the first three letters of his name, B, R, A
- He wants to do everything himself. If you ask him if he wants you to help, he says "No! Self!" Meaning, no, i want to do it myself. Then eventually he gets frustrated and says Mommy, help.
- He occasionally wants to sit on his potty, though it's still not consistent at all. We aren't forcing the issue, but encourage him to sit there if he wants to.
- He loves to be outside. It is always a major fight when we have to come back inside. He also gets really bummed out when it's raining.
- He loves to help Mommy and Daddy with just about anything. One of his favorite things it to help bring the groceries in from the car.
- He loves Logan, but really does not love sharing his toys.
- He loves to give hugs and kisses, hop up and down, have someone chase him through the house, play with his friends, and look for ducks outside
- Some of his current sayings:
- It's raining! Oh no! It's raining! Oh man...
- It's my Daddy. It's my Mommy. It's my Bubby.
- Bye bye poopy (when we flush the diaper contents down the toilet). Or, if we are flushing the contents of Logan's diaper, he says 'It's Bubby's poop'.
- Mere ducks! (when he is standing on couch using his 'duck call')
- Mommy sit here! Bubby too.
- Bubby's tired (every time Logan cries)
- No. I don't wanna. (we hear this A LOT)
- I know there are many more sayings, but of course, I don't write them down and I can't remember now.
He is tons of fun!
I love to swing! |
I got some cool new shades - and despite what you might think, this IS how you wear them :) |
Now I always want to wear my shades - even in the car shopping cart at Kroger |
Hanging out in my fort with my Daddy! And look, my hair is OUT OF CONTROL! |
I love playing with Bubby |
Braden and Logan hold hands in the stroller on walks every single time. It is so adorable. |
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