Saturday, November 3, 2012

Logan is 3 Months Old!

Logan turned 3 months old this past Monday!


  • He smiles ALL the time!  He is generally a very happy baby.  If he is crying he is either hungry or tired.  This is 100% different than Braden :)
  • He still hates tummy time, but he will now hold his head way up and look around.
  • He rolled over, twice, from his stomach to his back.  He has shown no interest in rolling from back to belly - probably because he hates being on his belly :)
  • He can hold onto some toys for short periods of time.
  • He tracks faces and objects with his eyes
  • He will turn toward voices and sounds
  • He coos and makes all sorts of noises now
  • Just today we got a laugh out of him!


  • I am still nursing him, but we did switch to formula at night.  Kevin gives him a formula bottle at bedtime and then when he gets up at night. Don't think that Kevin is getting the bad deal with giving him his bottle at night - I am still up pumping :)
  • Since we added the formula, he goes to bed around 8:30/9:00 and often sleeps until 4 or 4:30.  He has a bottle and goes back to bed until maybe 7:30.  This is working out much better for us since I don't get home from work until 11:30pm.
  • We are working on the napping - he still prefers to take several 30-40 minute naps a day.  If we are lucky... Like his brother, he fights naps.
  • He loves to lay on a blanket and roll around and kick
  • He LOVES Braden and is fascinated by him
  • He is already wearing size 6 month clothes.  He's so big!  Look at that double chin!

Here are some photos from the past month:

This is one of my favorite pictures - they were snuggling!
Hanging out with Poppi at Nate and Angie's baby shower
Go Colts!
Daddy and his boys - Logan must have spit up on his Colts gear :)
The hands - always in the mouth!
Happy boy!  And that is my finger - his ear isn't deformed.
Braden was growling at Logan
Playing together already
So handsome!

I love his expression in this photo
He figured out how to hold onto his toy
Mommy and her boys!

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