Our baby is 8 months old today!

As I mentioned before, in the past month he began crawling, sitting up on his own, and pulling himself up.
Here are some things he is doing now:
- He is now pulling himself up on anything and everything and is beginning to take steps while holding on to things.
- He is saying more sounds now. He says 'ba' and 'ga'.
- He is starting to be REALLY interested in what we are eating. If we are eating, he wants to eat too. We haven't started giving him solids yet, though I have given him a few tastes of things, like a mushed up piece of the banana I was eating :)
- He LOVES puffs! He hasn't really figured out how to feed himself yet, but he loves them if you put them in his mouth.
- If Mommy leaves the room he has a problem with it. He will crawl around and follow me, no matter what I'm doing.
- Not napping very well anymore. We are lucky to get a total of 2 hours a day...
- He made his bed time 6:30 - probably because he's not napping. Although, he still gets up once to eat and then is up for the day between 6:30 and 8:00.
Playing his drum

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