Monday, February 20, 2012

The Waiting... and Some Updates

For the most part, this pregnancy is going by fast. Even faster than the last one, which I didn't think was possible. But I guess this time I have a baby to chase around already so it makes it go by fast. 16 weeks down and only 24 to go - that seems a bit crazy to me.

For me, this is the most nerve wracking part of the pregnancy. I had a doctor appointment last week and everything was good. I know everything is fine, but until I can feel the baby move, I'm pretty stressed out about the whole thing. So I'm just waiting... and waiting... and waiting. But of course, any little thing that I feel I spend a few minutes trying to analyze if it was the baby or not. Not yet. With Braden, I didn't feel him move until 18 or 19 weeks, so I'm sure I still have a few weeks to go...

Here are some updates:
  • Finally, FINALLY, I feel great! No more nausea and no more being sick. I'm finally able to enjoy the pregnancy. I was really afraid that this one was going to be miserable and I was so bummed because I really loved being pregnant with Braden.
  • I'm still pretty tired all the time, but I guess you'll have that when you have a 8 month old that still doesn't sleep through the night :)
  • They say that you show sooner with your second, and that is definitely the case! You can tell I'm pregnant. I think that I didn't look this pregnant with Braden until at least 20 weeks.
  • I'm at that very awkward stage when it comes to finding clothes that fit. I'm in maternity pants now, mainly because they are more comfy. However, the maternity shirts are too big still, but my normal shirts are too small. And, a lot of the clothes I wore with Braden stretched out when I was bigger toward the end, so they don't fit yet. Finding an acceptable outfit it quite the challenge these days...
  • Nothing tastes like it should anymore. I can't stand the taste of coffee anymore (major bummer) and it seems like everything I have a craving for just disappoints me.
Maybe I'll find the time to get up in the morning, get showered and dressed, and take a picture. Maybe. :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Braden is 8 Months Old!

Our baby is 8 months old today!

As I mentioned before, in the past month he began crawling, sitting up on his own, and pulling himself up.

Here are some things he is doing now:
  • He is now pulling himself up on anything and everything and is beginning to take steps while holding on to things.
  • He is saying more sounds now. He says 'ba' and 'ga'.
  • He is starting to be REALLY interested in what we are eating. If we are eating, he wants to eat too. We haven't started giving him solids yet, though I have given him a few tastes of things, like a mushed up piece of the banana I was eating :)
  • He LOVES puffs! He hasn't really figured out how to feed himself yet, but he loves them if you put them in his mouth.
  • If Mommy leaves the room he has a problem with it. He will crawl around and follow me, no matter what I'm doing.
  • Not napping very well anymore. We are lucky to get a total of 2 hours a day...
  • He made his bed time 6:30 - probably because he's not napping. Although, he still gets up once to eat and then is up for the day between 6:30 and 8:00.
He also had his first major sickness :( I will spare the nasty details, but it involved diarrhea and projectile vomiting... Poor kiddo was miserable. We went to the doctor and they did some lab work, which involved collecting stool samples (tons of fun). Thankfully, everything has come back OK so far. We are slowly getting back to normal in regards to sleeping and eating - everything was WAY off the norm, and it's been a struggle getting back to the pre-sickness routine.

Playing his drum

Hi Mom!
Watching Mickey and trying to get as close to him as possible.
Watching Mickey with Daddy
Playing with his friend Emerson!
Playing with the balloon, which he loves.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sick Baby :(

We have a very miserable little guy... I'll spare you a lot of the yucky details. However, you haven't truly experienced motherhood until this happens: you go out to eat at Naked Tchopstix (quite possibly the best sushi restaurant in Indy). While you are there you feed your child sweet potatoes. After eating them he promptly projectile vomits them EVERYWHERE. All over himself, the highchair, the floor - EVERYWHERE. It was lovely, let me tell you. We are heading over to the pediatrician in the morning to see if there is anything they can do, but I have a feeling it's just a stomach bug and needs to run its course :(

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Indy's Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is in Indianapolis this year! It is pretty exciting even though the Colts won't be playing in the big game this year. The Patriots against the Giants. I think that the Patriots being here is unlucky for them - they will probably have the entire city, if not state, cheering against them. And poor Eli is constantly referred to as Peyton's brother since he will be playing in Peyton's house.... at least we hope it stays Peyton's house! I guess we will have to wait and see about that. Anyway...

The city has been preparing for months - ok, probably years, but the visible preparations have only been going on during the past year as far as I can tell. Downtown has been completely transformed into the Super Bowl village and there are so many cool things going on down there. The weather has been freakishly warm for January/February so there have been insane amounts of people downtown.

We really wanted to go down and check out Super Bowl Village but the only day we could do it was Sunday, and it was not one of the warm days... it was cold and really, really, really windy. So, we did not stay that long, but from what we did see, Indy did a great job with the Super Bowl this year! I couldn't figure out how to save the map and post it here, but a link to the Super Bowl Village map is here: Map

One of the neatest things, in my opinion, is the zip line. It runs down Capitol Avenue and we saw many people whizzing by overhead. The online pre-sale tickets sold out almost immediately and people line up crazy early to get tickets the day of. Kevin was really wanting to do it, but there were no tickets when we went. They have free concerts, lots of bars and displays, and large outdoor heaters. We have heard rave reviews from the media about how great a job the city did with this Super Bowl and there is talk that Indy might get another Super Bowl down the road :)

We bundled up Braden in about 7 layers and put him in the stroller and headed out. Doesn't he look thrilled? He actually enjoyed it and didn't seem to be cold at all - he just took it all in.

The Super Bowl stuff on the side of the JW Marriott - pretty cool.

The Super Bowl letters on the Circle - they light up at night, but nighttime outings just really aren't for us anymore :)

There are Indy cars lined down Meridian Street and they are each painted with a different NFL team logo/colors. They were really awesome, but there were so many people that I didn't get any close up photos. Maybe that was a lack of patience on my part, but it was freezing!

Another shot of the letters.

The Super Bowl ice sculpture. I know that the ice sculptors didn't bet on 50 degree temps this week. I heard they melted and will have to be done again before the game.

Another ice sculpture.

All in all it was pretty awesome. We didn't do the NFL experience because we didn't want to spend the money. There was so much more that we didn't do, but I'm glad we got to experience it. That being said, I'm REALLY glad that I don't work downtown or have to go there for any purpose this week. Parking and traffic are a nightmare :)