I have been trying to post this since Thursday but Blogger was not working for some reason, so it's a bit late :)
They did an ultrasound to confirm her position, and they could tell immediately she was still breech. They said everything looks good but we did not get any pictures this time. They took some measurements to determine her size. Size measurements are notoriously inaccurate, so we aren't betting this is accurate at all, but they estimate she is somewhere between 5 pound 8 ounces and 6 pounds 8 ounces. I guess we will have to wait and see!
We will know more at the end of next week after our next appointment and will let you know. We will let you know what day the c-section will happen, but we will not be letting people know what time it is scheduled for. The c-section is a relatively quick procedure as far as delivery goes, but it takes time for them to finish with me. Then there is recovery time before I can be with the baby. It is really important to Kevin and I that we have time alone as a new family for a little while before we start having visitors. And, we have to pick a name! And, since we don't know exactly how long it will be, we decided that the best option is to call when we are ready to have people at the hospital. But don't worry, I'm sure Kevin will call/text to let you know that all went well, and will probably even send out a picture :)
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