The boys LOVE going to the library now, so we have been going every weekend. They enjoy reading their new library books and they also have a really great time at the library. Our local library has a very large children's area with puzzles, pretend games, iPads for learning games, and arts and crafts. Here are some photos from the library:
They also love going to the Park at Traders Point Christian Church. It's a massive indoor play structure that they can climb up and slide down. A bit hard to describe... but they have a blast! Of course, I didn't get any pictures of them there, but they also have basketball courts, a rock climbing wall, and other play areas.
I have been fortunate to have a 4 day work week, so I am at home every Tuesday. The past two weeks, I have sent one kiddo to daycare and kept the other with me for special "Mommy Date Days". I'm glad we were able to do this before baby #3 arrives and also because the boys are ALWAYS together so it was nice to have them do something special for just them.
I took Braden first. We started our morning with a breakfast date at Cracker Barrel and then headed out to the zoo because the weather was so nice.
Logan's date day came the next week. We started out by getting donuts at Dunkin Donuts. We then headed up to the Park at Traders Point Christian Church. After that, we went to Stuckey Farms in Sheridan and picked apples in the orchard. Logan thought it was so much fun to pick apples off the trees. I did not realize that he was going to be so picky in which apples were acceptable for picking... I would see one that looked good and would suggest it to him, and he would say "No Mommy. Let's keep looking." It took a VERY long time to fill our bag of apples. We then headed inside to their market and got some fresh peaches and green beans. They already had mini pumpkins, so Logan picked one out and then insisted that he pick one out for Braden.
And of course, the boys have been dancing up a storm!