started off the weekend having a blast.
We went to Oktoberfest at Traderspoint Creamery on Saturday. We love Oktoberfest stuff. Ok, let’s be honest… we like the beer. And
Sun King was there with their awesomeness that is their Oktoberfest. The kids love cows, being outdoors, and
pumpkins (or pinecones as Braden calls them).
So it was a win-win for everyone.
The boys wouldn’t eat the
sausage or the potatoes, but go figure, they devoured the sauerkraut. Super weird.

We went on a hayride through the grounds and Braden shouted “look
Mommy – piggies! Oink Oink!” I looked around, didn’t see any pigs, so I’m
thinking that my kid is seeing some imaginary pigs. Low and behold, about 30 seconds later, we
pass some pigs. The kid has laser vision…for
now. I hate to say it, but he is doomed to a life of glasses or contacts given
the fact that his genes are not in his favor.
I have horrible eyesight and literally cannot see anything without
contacts. Kevin wears them too, but
luckily his vision isn’t terrible, so hopefully our kids will get Kevin’s genes
in the eyesight department.
Anyway, back on track…
Sunday was great too.
We went to church, came home, and had some great family time. Watched the Colts game, but we won’t get into
that. Monday started off great. It was Columbus Day which equals a day off in
the world of banking, so Kevin was home with us. Monday is when it started heading South. I made pancakes for breakfast. Our kiddos Love pancakes. Probably more than any food ever. Logan had about 2 bites. Warning sign #1. He was a little cranky that day, and had a
slightly elevated temperature. I quickly
determined he was teething. Yes, he's 15
months old and has a whopping 2 teeth on the bottom. However, there are at least 3 on the top that
should be pushing through at any moment, so it was a logical conclusion. I gave him some Tylenol which did not seem to
make much difference. Warning sign #2.
He didn’t nap well that day and didn’t eat well either. He was a mess that evening, so we decided to
put him to bed early. He fell asleep in
my arms. At first I thought it was
really sweet. Then the sad reality hit
me… he hasn’t fallen asleep in my arms in MONTHS. He wants to be in his bed with his blankie to
fall asleep. Hmm, something isn’t right.
Warning sign #3. Sadly, I was
right. He woke up that night with a 103
fever. On Tuesday, Kevin took Braden to
daycare in an attempt to keep him away from the germs and I stayed home with
Logan. Poor guy was pitiful and
miserable. He wanted to be held all day
and slept on me off and on. Of course,
working in an ER, you think of all the potential horrible causes for his
illness. Let that swirl around in your
head combined with the fact that his belly seems to hurt, and he can’t tell me
what hurts, and it warrants a call to the pediatrician. They assured me that he is still a bit young
for appendicitis. Phew. I was concerned. They told us to alternate Tylenol and Motrin,
keep fluids in him, etc. They want to
see him if the fever persists for 72 hours.
We made it through the day, barely. That night he woke up about 1 am
with a fever of 105. Yikes. I stayed home most of the day Wednesday
too. Motrin is the miracle drug. It makes him feel like a rock star for about
40 minutes. He will walk, talk, play,
etc. Then he crashes HARD. Long story short, the Motrin brings the fever
down to a relatively normal level, but then it sky rockets when it wears
So, that brings us to today.
He has been fairly symptom free with the exception of the fever, not
eating, and being exhausted and weak.
However, he woke up at 3am last night with a fever of 105.3 and then
threw up all over me. Getting puked on
really sucks. Getting puked on at 3am,
in the dark, takes it to an entirely new level.
And to top it off, he was digging in his ears, and not able to get
comfortable. Fantastic. Kevin took today off work to stay at home
with him so I could go to work. I called
the pediatrician as soon as they opened today to get an appointment for this
morning. I love our pediatrician so much
that I can’t bring myself to find one closer to our new home. Soooo, Kevin gets to trek up to Carmel with a
sick baby today. I’m fairly confident he
has the flu. That doesn’t worry me that
much. The fever is high, but not to the
critically high point, so that doesn’t even worry me too much, but it has been
going on since Monday. I am worried that
he has an ear infection now.
Braden has been at daycare all week in an attempt to keep
him away from the germs, but there is only so much you can do. I have a terrible feeling we are going to be
in this position with him next week. You
feel bad for them because there isn’t much you can do. Then you feel bad for yourself for not
sleeping and having to call off work.
Then you feel guilty for feeling bad for yourself. It’s a vicious cycle.
On the bright side, they are super cuddly when they are
sick. And we should buy stock in Tylenol
and Motrin.