I guess it's about time I got around to blog about this :)
Baby #2 is on the way! Our estimated due date at this point is August 5. We couldn't be more excited!

We found out the day after Thanksgiving. Of course, after already having a baby, I told Kevin the night before that I was pretty sure I was pregnant. Sure enough, the test confirmed it the next day. We waited to tell our families until after our first doctor appointment just to make sure that everything was OK. Then we made it public knowledge after our most recent doctor appointment at 11 weeks. We did have an ultrasound at the first appointment but we were only 6 or 7 weeks along so there really wasn't much to see except a tiny heartbeat. I know I've mentioned before how much I love my OB, and that isn't changing so far! We went in to see him at our 11 week appointment and he informed us that he wasn't just going to try to hear the heartbeat from the outside but was going to do another ultrasound! This is not really common practice for my OB's practice - we usually only get one early to confirm the pregnancy and then get the anatomy ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks. Needless to say, I was pretty excited about it!
We wanted our kiddos to be close in age and that will sure be the case with Braden and this baby. They will be almost 14 months apart. Life will be crazy I'm sure, but we wouldn't want it any other way.
I loved being pregnant with Braden and I'm sure that was mostly because I had absolutely zero "pregnancy symptoms" and felt great the entire time. I have not been so lucky with this one. I've been sick almost every day so far and have a really hard time with drinking fluids, mostly because they are nauseating. Also, yesterday and today I have had a horrible migraine. However, I haven't gotten sick the past two days, so hopefully that part is over. Overall, I still consider myself pretty lucky as far as the symptoms go, because it could be MUCH worse.
I don't really have any gut feelings about the gender of this baby. But, last time I thought for sure it was a girl. That was confirmed with an ultrasound, but then as you all know we had a boy. I think I'm just convinced that we will have all boys now. I guess we will have to wait and see. They say that every pregnancy is completely different, so you can have to pregnancies with the same gender and have totally different symptoms, etc. A girl would be great but we would be happy with a boy too. Hey, we already have plenty of clothes for either gender :)