I am sure that most everyone knows by now, but we are expecting our first baby in June 2011! We are 13 weeks pregnant and our estimated due date at this point is June 20. Even though a lot of people suspected, we managed to only tell our parents and siblings until this week when we left the first trimester. It was a very long time to keep it in!
Everyone has been asking, so here is the scoop:
I have felt GREAT the whole time. I have had absolutely no morning sickness which has been a blessing. I have noticed that I've been more tired, but that's about it. I am no showing yet, but I'm sure that will change soon :) I haven't really had any cravings, except for hot sauce and breakfast foods. But not breakfast for breakfast - only for dinner. We are also not planning to find out the gender of the baby and prefer to be surprised! (At least that is the plan for now... it could change!)
One of probably eight tests that I took. I didn't believe the ones with the lines, but there is no denying the one with the words!

We had our first ultrasound at 8 weeks. The baby still looks a bit "alien like" but was very healthy. We won't have another ultrasound until somewhere around 21 weeks or so.