Every June we head up to a lake in Michigan with Kevin's family. They love to fish and will fish all day everyday. I don't mind fishing, as long as I don't have to touch anything :) And, we only went for a few days this year, so I was OK with fishing each day. When we go for the whole week, I usually reach my limit with how much fishing I can take!
Here is Kevin with his first fish that he caught.

And me with mine. However, I refused to touch the fish, so Kevin held it in front of my face while I snapped a picture. I would have been perfectly fine without a picture, but he insisted that we needed one.

The lake has TONS of swans, and I think they are pretty cool.

Especially when they go under the water and their butts are in the air!

The first day we were there we noticed that a robin had made her nest in the fake palm tree on the porch of the cabin next to us. There were four baby birds in the nest and we watched them learn to fly when we were there! By the time we left, all four had flown away.

Here is Clayton so proud of the big fish that he caught.

That fish wore him out and he decided to take a nap :)

And Lexi with one of the big fish that she caught.

And Brian? Well, he caught a big mound of yucky lake weeds...

Me, Kevin, Brian, and Greg going fishing on our last day there.

We had a great time, and as always, vacation was too short!